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Minimal HUD


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I want a mod to minimize the HUD to almost nothing. It is possible to completely turn off the HUD in the game settings by setting its opacity to 0, but there are some things I would still like to see. I still want to know if I'm looking at an item that would result in theft if I activate it. The normal HUD displays this with the word "steal" in red in the middle of the screen. I think a less intrusive way would be to display a small, transparent icon in the bottom corner of the screen only when you are looking at a steal-able object. I want the text and button icon that display in the middle of the screen when you look at an object or NPC completely gone. I also want to remove the compass from the top of screen, or make it toggle-able. It's useful if you are trying to find an objective, but if I'm just wandering around a town or the wilderness, I don't want to see the compass. I want to be able to show subtitles, because a number of quest mods (including the one I'm developing) are not voice acted and rely on subtitles. However, I want the subtitles to be less intrusive. One idea is to only display subtitles for dialogue that is associated with the active quest(s).


If I could do all of this, there would be no HUD at all unless you are looking at an object that is steal-able, have manually turned on the compass, or are reading subtitles for something that's happening in the active quest.


Are there any existing mods that do this sort of thing? If not, how could I go about accomplishing this in a mod?

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