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Freshly created Skyrim youtube channel


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i have decided, for them lulz, to make a skyrim channel on youtube to promote random weapon mods ( or favored, liek simple steel sword and the dwemer rifle) as well as challenge grade fights by request. i will upload random battles i orchestrate via console commands as well as make an attempt to make the fixed fights in skyrim more unique and watchable.


i am currently using the deadly mutilation mod to make all this more viewable. but please. if you have an idea of something youd like me to fight or want to see a more theatrical version of a moment in skyrim, please. request it. we have mail here. use it.


the last video request was actually a simple one. killing grelod the kind, easy, but he asked specifically for a decapitation. so i gave it to him.


before that i was asked to make the first dragon in skyrim my b&@*$. i did that too. its on my channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/travisdaye1977?feature=watch


like i said. leave a comment in the current skyrim videos on what you would like to see.


If people actually go for this maybe i could get a half decent channel off the ground.

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