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My Dragons don't toast anymore....


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Lord knows I love this game but I just wish there weren't so many bugs....


The latest problem is that the Dragons aren't toasting so therefore my avatar is unable to harvest dragon souls.


This started with my old character, so I removed all new mods, ran BOSS, started a new character, got to the first dragon and the problem was still there.


Has any other player experienced this problem and can offer a solution, I really don't want to do ANOTHER re-install 'cos my inet connection is not great and Steam is such an unutterable pain.


P.S. My copy is legit and registered.


Thanks in advance

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I ran the game a week ago without any of those "unofficial" patches, all DLCs and dragon souls absorbed perfectly fine. There are a few known mods that are causing the issue (ex: Dragon Soul Absorb more Glorious and Dragons Diversified). Double check your mod list for any mods that would affect dragons.


If you have no offending mods, then I would try the Unofficial Skyrim Patch for the main game and the DLCs. That should hopefully fix your issue assuming it's base game related and not mod related.


Good luck!

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