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What's the easiest way to use resources from another mod?


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Let's say I have a mod A that adds 20 different armor sets.


I have a mod B that adds a bunch of characters that I want to wear the armors from mod A.


What I've been doing in the past is modifying mod B (as active in CK) by:

  • using TESEDIT to temporarily make A an .esm, and then make A a tendency of B, so that I can reuse those armor entries in B or
  • copy all the armor and armor add on enties while A is loaded. Then use the copies in B.


However, both these approaches are very time consuming. Ideally I want to do 2) so there is no dependency on mod A. Do you guys have any tips?

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You can use a script with GetFormFromFile: https://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=GetFormFromFile_-_Game

That way you don't have to make the mod a dependency.


You can look up form IDs of the armor with Tes5Edit, replace the first two numbers with 0x to use this function.


Example: Put a script on a new quest that's start game enabled


Scriptname TM_InitQuestScript extends Quest 

Actor Property MyFollower Auto 

Event OnInit() 
    Armor ArmorImperialCuirass = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0136D5, "Skyrim.Esm") as Armor
    Self.Stop() ;Stop this quest.

change skyrim.Esm to the mod you want to access.

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Another way possibly is to use Tes5Edit to first copy the ArmorAddon records into your esp as new record. Then copy the armor records into your esp as new record. This may still make the other esp a dependency though.

Hmm, does this method allow for copying multiple entries at once? If so, that may be just what I need.

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I can verify that "copy as new" does not make mod B dependent on mod A. It's only if you do the "copy as override" option.


And yeah, you can do multiple by ctrl clicking items in the left pane. You can even copy a group by right clicking the group header in the left pane (like the Armor or ArmorAddon headers) and copy that way, though I've never done it myself so don't know if it'll overwrite anything you already have in the destination mod, or just merges the two groups together (my assumption is merge, but again, I've not had to do that myself as of yet, so I can't say for sure).

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