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Need help on weirdest CTD I've had.


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Yesterday I did my second clean install of Skyrim. Now my mod Darts_Hair-MakeUp_Colors-Paler_Races.esp which has never gave me any problems seems to crash the game when entering Markarth. I can enter buildings, leave Markarth, and load a save where the character is in the city, just can't enter Markarth. I am not sure if a new mod is conflicting with it or what. (I did disable all other mods and still CTD) All my mod does is add color forms, and the custom one I use changes the default skin tone for Wood Elf Vampire female. Which I changed and the .esp file to have less color forms and changed the default skin tone back to vanilla as a new plugin file, didn't help. I installed TES5Edit, no conflicting problems with anything. I cleaned the .esp file and the Update.esm file. I added my pluign list of what mods I have installed before mine. The load order has been organized by BOSS, I also marked the mods that are new to my install of Skyrim. Most CTD's I can fix pretty fast, this is the weirdest and hardest one to fix so far. Spent two days on it so far, and now out of ideas.

---Plugin Order---


Update.esm (cleaned using TES5Edit)

ApachiiSkyHair.esm (Newer Version)

Skyrim Project Optimisation.esm

bloodierCombatv1.1.esp (New)


dB - Enhanced Blood Main.esp (New)

Realistic Lighting - Addon.esp (Power and Performance 2 ENB)

Realistic Lighting.esp (Power and Performance 2 ENB)

Realistic Lighting Patcher.esp (Power and Performance 2 ENB)

Better Vampires - No Dawnguard



The Dance of Death.esp

PC Exclusive Animatioin Path - Argonanion.esp

PC Exclusive Animatioin Path - Breton.esp

PC Exclusive Animatioin Path - DarkElf.esp

PC Exclusive Animatioin Path - HighElf.esp

PC Exclusive Animatioin Path - Imperial.esp

PC Exclusive Animatioin Path - Khajit.esp

PC Exclusive Animatioin Path - Nord.esp

PC Exclusive Animatioin Path - ORC.esp

PC Exclusive Animatioin Path - RedGuard.esp

SaEmoHair.esp (New)

PC Exclusive Animation Path - 0 - Main.esp

TheEyesOfBeauty.esp (New)


---Other Mods---



Gizmodians Scars (new)


Envision Face (new)

RANs HeadMesh (new)


XP32 New Animation Package

Skyrim - Community - Unpakcer


No Boring Sleep (new)

And if it matters, my System Specs.

Model - Acer Aspire 5517 Laptop 2009

O.S. - Windows 7 64-Bit

Processor - AMD Athlon TF-20 1.60 GHz (acts half dead)

H.D.SPace - 130 GB

Ram - 3 GB, DDR2

Graphics Card - ATI Radeon HD 3200
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Ya, I learned the hard way about not running that. Even though walking around in the T-Pose can be kinda fun, specially when you fall off something and your character is stuck like they landed.

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