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Fort Frostmoth Restored


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Simple as the title implies. The restoration of Fort Frostmoth on Solstheim to a habitable Player Home.


Nothing drastically over the top, but some features I would like to see:





Blacksmithing Station (Outside in the Courtyard)

At least 3 Bedrooms

Alchemy/Enchanting Room

Secret Storage Room


If someone could make this a reality I would greatly appreciate it :P

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yeah , i decided i don't want to wait for someone to put together a mod like this, and since i have zero knowledge in mod creating, i just combined, these three mods, Tundra defense, RTS for skyrim, Pocket Empire, and with console commands you can just click on something and type disable and whatever you clicked on will disappear, so i just went though the fort and deleted all the ash, spider webs, burned things ext, and just placed in beds for soldiers, kitchen, armory/workshop to the corresponding areas, another mod called reinforcements army guards, allows you to place down a npc soldier, that will guard and interact with the area you spawned him in forever, so you can populate forts and keeps that you capture and rebuild with guards who do things, blacksmith forge, workbench ext can all be placed down very easily with tundra defense, as many as you want as well. so if you don't want to wait and would like to control fort frostmoth with your fellow companions and soldiers, i would suggest building the inside with these mods just the way you would want it.

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