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2d bush and grass?


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Hello all,


I recently got a whole new rig (high end) so I though i'd take advantage of some of the super graphical modifications out there. Currently I'm using the latest RCRN (classic) with all the ATI graphic tweeks for the Ultra Settings. Runs like a dream....


However, (and I may have just never noticed before) all the bushes look like they are made of out sheets of paper crossed together (screenshot attached).


Any ideas? Is this what it's supposed to look like (I surely hope not, I'm hoping maybe I applied some mod and didn't realize it or that maybe my settings are off?)


Thank you in advance!

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This is how the grass looks like in Skyrim and the custom grass-like flowers like the calluna in your picture. I don't like the look if it too. I miss the much more realistic flowers of Oblivion...

Looks as if you have installed a grass/flower/flora whatever overhaul?

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Thanks Tamira :) feel much better knowing I didn't do that, and it's just the way the game is. I more than likely installed some landscape overhaul, I was trying to use the HD 2D mod off the nexus but I can't get a proper download/extraction no matter what I try. I destroyed my usage level for the month of March.


Any how, so is there no mod that will make them an actual 3D object? kind of surprises me, though I suppose that would add a lot of work for the machine to render the game world at such detail.

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Grasses and such have been 2D planes since Morrowind :blink:

There's no GPU on earth that could render the bajillion polygons, making them even crude 3D models would require, in real time.

I suppose you could dramatically scale down the density, but then they look nice when you get two feet away and stare at the ground, but don't do the landscape justice if you're actually looking outward.

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