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When I tried to save by quicksave, when I'm going to make an autosave and when I'm going to save by the normal way the loading screen appears, but when it ends appears the deskpot. Sorry my english, I'm from Spain XD.
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Try starting a new game and save. Are you on latest version Skyrim?



If you disable the mods via data file selection or using NMM can you save? Don't delete them, just disable for a moment.

Edited by kfritz
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Maybe try the wait for 31 days trick to reset all exterior cells.

Just find a cozy interior (a player home, or qaSmoke for examples) and use the wait feature until at least 31 days have passed. No Boring Sleep-Wait Menu can be used to speed up the process.

This will reset all containers/books/dungeons/etc. that aren't flagged to not do so (mostly everything outside of player homes and that aren't quest-related). Any items stored in said areas will poof.


Edit: Also, if you have Papyrus logging enabled, try disabling it. The logging system can be quite intensive with some setups and can decrease stability during saving and cell transitions.

Edited by MShoap13
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