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Mods and New update


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Since my update my mods no longer work, the game crashes. I am using caldaria expanded. what version is it most compatible with?

Also I have issues runing multiple mods. Many dont work. so what version do i need or what order must they be loaded to run the following (if compatible and able, id like to run as many of them togtehrt as poss)


Bandit Militias
Caldaria expanded
Caravans give trade EXP
random events
shattered world
All from V in Nexus
No companion limit
No clan party limit
no workshop limit
royal armnoury
zz faction color enabler
Ive seen sopme mods have to be loaded in specific order to a void issues, not sure how to load them.
I was thinking
Native and all other base game stuff
then master shattered world
then the puff mods
then caldaria expanded???
thoughts? or anyone know a similiar set of mods that will give me what i am looking for that is stable?
if so what version again?
thank you all for any help, good gaming ladies and gents!
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to clarify I am just trying to boost my play experiance, I can do without the no limit mods, but really wants entrepenuer, bandits, random events, rulership, shattered kingdoms, and caldaria expaqnd. those are my main wants, rest is just whatever for now till game is fully released and stable and the mods community can go crazy with it like they did with the old Florid mod in warband

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