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[REQ]Lord of the rings signature


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Hi all


I noticed many of you have cool signatures with your favourite movies, games etc and I want one to :D, but since I don't know how to make one myself I'm asking for help here :P.


Since I'm a big Lotr fan I'd like a signature with a lotr picture. I have not found any picture yet, but I like surprizes so if someone will help me out, he/she can put any nice looking lotr picture into my sig. Also it should contain my name "Pushkatu" in it. I'd like a font that will make my name look like the writhings in lotr books, not the elvish ones, if possible of course.


I also like dark colours(for background, black beeing my favourite, but any colour should do it.


A picture like this, scaled down of course [PICTURE] would be great.



Thanks and I hope someone will help me out here. :P :thanks:



Cheers! :sweat: :D

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I aim to serve......I haven't had a request for a Sig in awhile, I think you'll do nicely.


Anyway I'll see what I can do. It may take up to several days to find something So if you can wait I can work on this, if not There are others who could do it.


Also I go by the name Raz around here so it's nice to meet you.


- Raz

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I aim to serve......I haven't had a request for a Sig in awhile, I think you'll do nicely.


Anyway I'll see what I can do. It may take up to several days to find something So if you can wait I can work on this, if not There are others who could do it.


Also I go by the name Raz around here so it's nice to meet you.


- Raz



Of course I'll wait. Just send me a PM when you finished it and thanks for your help.

Nice to meet you to, friends call me pushkatu :thumbsup:

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Is there a specific Character you'd like....Example: Aragorn, Frodo?



Yeah, I'd like Gandalf, the White wizard :D

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I did some checking and it's as I thought we have someone who comes around here with that motif...Sorry




How about your next of choice.....


- Raz


Legolas is next on my list :D

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Heh...My favorite after Aragorn....surprise surprise...Right then lets see what I can whip up


- Raz




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