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Copied Bookshelves


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I've tried copying one of the tall bookshelves from the Player house in Windhelm to use in my new Cell but when I go to use it the "E to Activate" shows up but when i press it, nothing happens. Any solutions to this? Even if I have to use a different bookshelves or perhaps a different way of doing if besides manually adding Each trigger thing...that takes FOREVER... there got to be an easier way...

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Unfortunately you will have to manually create them, copying doesn't work. Same thing with mannequins and such! If you use Unlimited Bookshelves though you only have to place two books on each shelf (check that mod for detailed info). I think someone also uploaded a resource of premade shelves you can copypasta, haven't tested it though.

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Copying from a vanilla player home - for all items - works fine provided you copy ALL the needed bits. The shelf, the activators, the works.

I tried that with the house in Wildhelm but for some reason it didn't. I could try again but...hmpf...I don't know, i really like the tall bookshelves.

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I think I copied the Windhelm bookshelf for my mage tower mod




Since the layout is a lot simpler, you should be able to see what bits are needed easier (download, delete the ivy and imperial tower bits, and pick away). It's been ages since I did player homes but there's a bunch of objects you need to copy for it all to work.

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I think I copied the Windhelm bookshelf for my mage tower mod




Since the layout is a lot simpler, you should be able to see what bits are needed easier (download, delete the ivy and imperial tower bits, and pick away). It's been ages since I did player homes but there's a bunch of objects you need to copy for it all to work.

I copied and pasted a BookCASE from the winterhold college and of course that works but now for some reason it's really laggy. when i remove it the lag is gone.

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