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NPC enemy humanoids use torches/lanterns at night


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Thought about this after Hired Thugs came after me at night and I was completely blind even with my lantern. I could get away and sneak and would have the chance to fire a shot at them from the dark but I cant tell where they are because I have a mod that makes nights really dark. If they had to use torches/lanterns like the player does in order to see where they were going in the pitch black night I'd be able to see them pursuing me. That would allow me to ambush them, run, sneak, ambush with crossbow, until they die. Im using SkyRe so close hand to hand combat is deadly. Especially against three tough thugs.


If theres already a mod out there that makes humanoid enemies use torches/lanterns when its dark then point me in the direction of it please. Otherwise I think it's a good mod request for those who like as much immersion as possible.

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