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Need Meshes


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Would anybody happen to be in possesion of any male body meshes without underwear and without genitals? I need some to make a custom mesh for a new race I'm working on. I have the female meshes already completed. I'm not too good with sing blender to begin with, and now this oldversion that is required to make Syrim meshes is just unbearable. Any help would be appreciated.

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That's actually perfect. All I would have to do is remove the tail, which I could just do by squishing it into the body then reducing the polygons. Thanks for sharing this!


EDIT: Nvm. While those are great meshes, they are too little humannoid to simply modify them to match my race. :(

Edited by InfinityXeon
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The tail is not part of the body mesh.

Most pictures are wip only. The file UBR file contains what are you looking for.

http://static.skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/images/6041-1-1326425291.png as you can see the body is almost the same as vanilla.


I already talked to the creator. There is still currently quite a bit of work to be done. It would be easier to simply alter the base mesh and hope it doesn't mess up the animations.

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