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[LE] Follower dialogue not appearing for edited mod NPC


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Hi, I love some of the characters in Immersive Creatures but would like to edit it to have only certain NPCs as followers.


To start with for testing purposes, I edited the factions related to a hybrid soul cultist to make them not attack on sight, added an "ally" and later "friend" relationship for him, and added the potentialfollowerfaction to his faction list with a rank of 0.


However, I'm not getting any follower dialogue options for him in-game. Is there anything else I need to do? I have Fuz-Ro-D'oh and Relationship Dialogue Overhaul installed. His race is listed as NordRaceVampire and his voice is generic dark elf.


Is there anything I'm missing that would be preventing the follower dialogue from showing?


I had a similar problem trying to convert adoptable children into followers before, but enabling Relationship Dialogue Overhaul fixed that so this seems to be a different issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Thanks, I actually use the amazing new NPC Party, which allows you to recruit basically anyone or anything in the game, as well as set advanced AI packages, outfits, locations, activities and so on. It's an incredible mod and I use it alongside NFF for complete control of pretty much everything lol. So I can indeed recruit them that way already.


The thing is, I want the standard follower option to be available as well, for various reasons, and I can't see any reason for it not to be working :-(


I'm hoping it's just some minor thing that needs to be tweaked in the esp, but I was playing around it for a while and couldn't get the normal follower dialogue to show up so I'd love to know where I'm going wrong...if for no other reason than it's good to learn how to do things right, if there's something I'm missing!

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Thanks but I've already seen those videos and as far as I'm aware, I've done the necessary things to make the character a follower. I did list what I'd done in my initial post and I don't see how any of it is different from what the videos are saying....that's why I'm here asking for help, because I'm wondering if something about these special, unusual characters with custom factions and so on would be affecting the ability for follower dialogue to appear.

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"However, I'm not getting any follower dialogue options for him in-game."

"Is there anything I'm missing that would be preventing the follower dialogue from showing?"

- Do you mean that you can interact with them, the "E" talk appears, but nothing happens.


- You can't interact at all with the actor, the "E" talk does not appears.

If it's the first case then you've obviously done something wrong, backtrap your steps, in this case it's difficult to pinpoint the culprit since you are the only one sitting at your PC.

NOTE: All those videos tutorials show ONLY how to make a "Humanoid" follower, this set up will not work on creatures.

If it's the second case then, you need to find the actor's race and tick the "Allow PC Talk" in the first tab section of the race's property.

NOTE: I would recommend to make a custom race and custom actors that uses that race so that this change won't affect every single actor that uses that race.

NOTE II: If "Allow PC Talk" isn't checked then no dialogue of any kind can be initiated with that actor.

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Hi, yes, there is an interact option for the character. I can talk to it but only the NPC Party dialogue option comes up, and not the normal follower dialogue you would see for regular NPCs as well.


I've gone over the steps multiple times and everything is in order so I don't think I messed up the basic setup. That said, this is a creature with a custom race, so I took your advice and added the PC talk option to the appropriate race, but unfortunately that still didn't fix it.


For the sake of trial and error, I've tried changing it to a vanilla race, changed its voice, changed the associated keywords...absolutely nothing is making the follower dialogue appear. I can recruit the character through NPC Party but it bothers me that the follower dialogue should be appearing and isn't. There must be some simple solution that I'm not aware of :-(

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Unfortunately, i cannot help you, i think you understand why, it could be something so simple or something right in front of you that you just don't see.

* Try making a simple "Test Follower" from scratch, maybe that way you can see where you did wrong.

* Also don't use 'Save Files' that has seen your mod to test things, especially anything that could be carrying any kind of script.

- Always "COC" from the main menu to your cell or "Test Cell" to check your edits / creations.

- Using a 'Save File' that has seen your mod will have stored in it the scripts prior to any changes, this also applies for objects placed in a cell, and some others.

* Save files should be used just for testings scripts or quests, and yet again from a save that hasn't seen your mod.

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Hmm...I have no idea what I did but it's suddenly working. Maybe I'd checked the PC Talk option in the wrong race (there are a bunch of them with near-identical names in the mod and it's possible I got mixed up and edited the wrong one). Or maybe I chose the wrong voice type. Or the esp was already in the save, as you said, and wasn't updating properly. Anyway, it's working perfectly fine now. Thanks so much for the help!

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Ok, but keep in mind that everything related to npc's dialogue either in a quest (with stages) or just simple 'idle' dialogue, they need a "SEQ" file in order to work correctly, the lack of it can cause the dialogue to not fire or somtimes to fire and others not.

** "SEQ" file will make your npc's dialogue execute every time no matter what.

Have a happy modding.

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