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Multiple Spell Effects


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Hi There,


I'm a little new to the whole modding scene, but I've been learning the curve pretty well so far. The issue I'm running into right now is with the spell casting portion of the mod I've been compiling. What I want to do is have it set up so that some spells have a secondary effect that unlocks when you reach the expert level of that school. The problem I'm running into is that no matter what combination of conditions I place on either the spell or the associated magic effect, I can't get it to work. When I test the spell with no conditions, the secondary effect works just fine, but as soon as I add a condition to either the spell or the spell effect (or both for that matter), the secondary spell effect doesn't trigger, even once you have the required perk.


Anyone offer any suggestions to help me get this kink worked out?



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Perhaps your conditions are not correct? The condition to achieve what you want should be:

- Condition placed in magic effect so that it checks the condition only once when the spell hit.

- Function should be "Hasperk", point to the perk you want, comparison value =1

- Run on: Target (Target: condition will be ran on the actor that cast the spell, Subject: condition will be ran on the actor get hit by the spell)

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Changing the condition to be run on target instead of on subject didn't make it work. I'm trying to make it so that flames has a secondary effect to wall of flames once you have the perk expert destruction. I also learned that the graphic for the secondary effect won't display with no conditions when the base cost on the magic effect is set to 0, or anything less than a certain percentage of the primary spell effect (haven't quite worked out the exact number yet, but it's around 64% as far as I've seen) so I was thinking it might have something to do with that... I'll keep playing around with the conditions and condition targets to see if I can get it to work!

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It seems I can't even get it to work when I just do a flames spell to switch from being one without an impact area to one with. I can get the spells to work when cast individually, but I can't seem to make it work so make it switch from casting one spell to casting the other. The condition I'm placing on it is as follows:


On the base effect:

Run On: Target

Function Name: HasPerk

Function Info: Perk:DestructionApprentice25

Comp: ==

Value: 0.00

: And


On the secondary effect:


Run On: Target

Function Name: HasPerk

Function Info: Perk:DestructionApprentice25

Comp: ==

Value: 1.00

: And

When I go in game to test either of these spells by themselves, they do their job. The first spell is the one without area, and the second one affects targets in an area. However when I combine the effects into one spell, it won't switch from casting the first spell to casting the second
Anyone have any idea why this wouldn't work?
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Ok, from my own experience of using the CK. With multiple effects, spell will use the visual effects (projectile, impact data, explosion, etc) of the magic effect that has the highest cost, if multiple effects have same cost, it will use the one listed first. It is not possible to make spell that create wall based on perk since the wall is created through Impact Data Set. If you set the cost of Wall effect higher, spell will use wall effect's visual, meaning it will always create wall, and if you set the cost of Base effect higher, it will never create wall for the same reason. AOE is another story, if the AOE effect has lower cost, the explosion effect will not be shown but it still works. What I'm saying is that, you can have spell which have multiple effects but can't make it switch visual effect from one to another. Of course, I would be glad if someone can prove otherwise.

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