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Making Several Soldier Followers


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Hey folks, I normally don't end up on this side of the forums but since I've been programming and using blender again recently I got re-interested in modding for Skyrim. My plan is to make a simple mod just to learn the ropes, but I got stuck when it came to seeing what I could do with followers!


I was able to make a fully-functioning companion, Edar the Barbarian, and now want to make a handful of semi-weak Barbarian Raiders (named as such) just to have some fun. I'd know how to set the stats and deal with the perks, but I want to know how you'd make characters work like military or bandits do.


When a bandit spawns, they get a random race with random features, right? Same with Imperials/Stormcloaks, but instead they have randomization just in the races their factions allow, so how do I do that? As well, I'd have to make non-unique followers (which would allow for the randomization I'm guessing), so my next question would be if that were possible? (just to have generic-named followers)


Thanks fellas, hopefully I'll work my way to the mod side of the forums and spend less time lurking the general, and contribute to the fine actual modding side of the community!

Edited by dwellufool
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