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I Summon Hitotsu-Me Giant(troll)


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I saw a pokemon mod to let you catch monsters in game. Well how about a cards like in yugioh? Use the main menu as if using cards as seen in Hunter X Hunter(their menu is in book form and access item, etc), but creature's like from yugioh stone tablets. We see the card or stone tablet then the monster summon. Not expectiong real yugioh monsters, in game monster are cool. The stone table is non-movable and summons the monster till it dies as a companion.

P.S. just ingore the hunter bit.

Edited by ChampionLife
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I can make summons of monsters to represent the cards (snow dragon= blue eyes dragon etc) but I couldn't make a stone tablet to use not yet anyways if you would be ok with that till I get better with the CK and modeling and texturing?

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