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Shouts suddenly won't unlock


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I was going through the dragonborn storyline for the second time and when I went to learn the shout where Miraak shows up and steals your dragon soul I walked up to the wall and absorbed the shout just fine. When I went into my menu to unlock it the dialogue came up asking me if I wanted to learn it and I clicked on it, this is where the trouble started. Instead of learning the shout the 'ok' did nothing. It just blinked and came back and then booted me out of the menu. No CTD or anything just refused to learn the shout. I loaded up some of my other characters to see if it was just a problem with the first character but I couldn't learn any shouts on the other characters either. This has to be pretty recent although I haven't had to unlock a shout in a couple of days. Does anyone know of any mods that interfere with this? I would really appreciate some help. I use a lot of mods and I don't know which one did this.

(edit) I've attached a screenshot of my recent mods.

Edited by KikiKunoichi
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