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QTP3 Game Crash

Omega Mitch

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Ok, so first off, I have a MacBook Pro with 2.6 GHz, 250GB HDD, 2GB RAM, and a 512MB Graphics Card.


I am running Boot Camp Windows XP, and the game of choice is Oblivion. I have a few mods running which work fine, until I installed QTP3.


I followed all instructions carefully, and I have some issues. When I go to start a new game, nothing happens, as in it just stays at the Main Menu. When I go to Continue or Load, it crashes and asks me to send an error report. I have tried turning all my settings down to the lowest available and it still crashes. I have no idea what to do.


EDIT: Actually I just realized that the problem isn't QTP3, but the Deadly Reflex mod... Help?

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Sounds tricky, usually Oblivion would crash on startup if something's wrong. But I will try to help^^

1st of all, I read several times that the game might create artifacts, lag or crash when setting the texture size to low, afaik only the high texture setting is working flawless(at least compared to the other settings).


Check if the game runs propably without deadly reflex.


If yes: Deadly Reflex is an extremely load order sensitive mod! Not sure if your new to that, but I will give you the details just in case: dl and install OBMM, as well as BOSS(later one's files need to be extracted into your data folder). Run the Boss.bat(that will sort most of your mods) and a .txt file will open listing all your plugins. Don't close it yet, but open start OBMM. In the bottom of the txt list, you might find some unsorted mods(those which are unknown to boss), you may want to set them abit higher in the load order with obmm. Also check that load order sensitive mods like deadly reflex or streamline are at the very end(Deadly reflex.esp should be loaded last). The same applies to the horsecombat.esm(not sure about the exact name, but it's an essential part of deadly reflex). You will find it in the upper area of your load order, it should be loaded after all other .esm. You should also check all readmes of the mods you installed, they usually provide you with valuble information about load order and/or incompatibilities. In later case, you will need to install a compatibility patch or decide which of the confilcting mods you want to use.


If no: You need to troubleshoot the problem which you need to locate at 1st ofc. Disable all mods and run the game. If it's running, activate one mod after another, each time you activated one, you need to start the game to see if it works. Do so untill you found the mod which causes the problem.

You can uninstall it then or check the mod page for some information, might be that one of your mods requires other mods to run...

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