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Dragonborn DLC Not working


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Hi there guys!


I need some help with this as I'm not really sure what to do now. I have Skyrim through steam and have been playing with hearthfire and Dawnguard working fine. I also have twenty four mods running which is not a lot compared to some people I've seen on here (Who are running DB fine!), I will list them below and because I wanted SkyUI I have to run these with SKSE.


Now I've just finished the Dawnguard quests, have a mansion and I am at the stage in the main quest where I have to get the General and Ulfric to meet at the Greybeards Penthouse when I saw the Dragonborn DLC and as I havent had any problems with the other two mods I took the plunge. Only now I can't seem to access it. I've tried waiting around at Whitrun before heading to Windhelm where theres supposed to be a new boat to the DLC area...only theres only one!


So I'm under the impression it isnt working at all despite steam saying its installed along side Dawnguard and Hearthfire.


List of mods I'm running:


A Quality World Map

Alternate Start


Auto Unequip Ammo

Bandolier - Bags and Pouches

Cloaks of Skyrim

Enhanced Blood Textures

Fast Respawns and Rich Merchants

Faster Horses

Glowing Ore Veins

Hearthfire moving Family Bug fix

Immersive Armors

Immersive Saturation Boost

Immersive Skyrim Thunder V6

Immersive Weapons

Longer Candle Light Spell

Realistic Lighting Overhaul

SKSE Scripts

SkyJubs invisible Helmets - No helmet mod

Skyrim HD 2k Textures


UFO Ultimate Follower overhaul

Unofficial Skyrim Patch


I've tried running it with the unofficial Skyrim Patch disabled as I thought it may clash with it but it still didnt work. So what I'm asking (apart from help!) is is there anyone else having or have had the same probelm? Is there a simple fix? I don't really want to start over as I've got to level 33 on Master with this guy and its the furthest I've ever got in the main quest line!


All help greatly Appreciated!



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I am not sure but i believe you need to get a note first about that new boat, right? Just going there without having received that note might be your problem. Or rephrased - did you get the scene with the cultists? If not check if you really have the data file activated in your loader and then run BOSS to put your load order corectly.

Edited by dwiss
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Yeah I played for 4-5 hours without seeing any cultists, apparently when the DLC is working you can either wait for the cultists or just head to Windhelm Docks and pay passage. I'm not too computer savvy...can I ask how I would check if the Data file is activated in my loader? And What BOSS is? :(

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Ah - allright - here is the non-techy version :)


When you start your skyrim loader there is an option called 'data files' , click that one and look at that list of files. Those are all the mods and original data files being loaded. Make sure there is a check mark

at the 'Dragonborn.esm' in your list. BOSS is a small programme that helps in putting all those files into the best/correct load order. Mods and DLCs m,ight conflict with each other if they arnt in the best/correct load order. Here is the link to the webpage for them BOSS - but start first with checking the data files yourself.

Edited by dwiss
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Thanks so much for this! Reason I didnt know what you meant by loader was I have been running Skyrim from a SKSE launcher instead of through steam. Anyway I checked and everything is ticked but Dragonborn.esm was right at the bottom of the load order, I don't know if it makes any difference but I put it right at the top under Hearthfire and Dawnguard. Just in the proccess of working out how to use BOSS! :D

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My pleasure - great to see you are up and running again. A general tip for the future: all esm should always be on the very top of your load order, then followed by official and unofficial patch files - there is a great post in here about this. I think the group calls themselves s.t.e.p. - best description i have read so far about load order and clean system installations.

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