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hey guys, im not shure where to post this or how to contact the sight owner but i need to tell you that there is a SERIOUS thret to your systems on our beloved nexus. somehow there has been a virus uploaded here. basicly if you choose to download manualy on quite a lot of mods you recive a file named NEXUSMODS.exe. this file is a trojan and will lock down your system, not even allowing you to view your desktop. it shows as a police statement telling you that your computer is locked due to piracy and coppyright. i phoned my local police force where they told me that this is a hoax and has hit hudreds of people across the UK. so please be carefull guys!

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We already know about this and have been working to eliminate the issue from our service as best we can.

Listing what sites, what files and what servers it appears on, and at what times may help us in establishing any pattern to it's appearance so we can get to the root of the matter and cut it off.

Obviously, if anyone sees this item appear on their download display, cancel the download, or delete it if you've already downloaded it - scanning your system is always advisable as well, can never be too safe.

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Dear god, AV to maximum security, AES-256 Encryption for me XD. No seriously, this is terrible, what bastard would target our beloved site? Hunt them down and burn them is what I say to them mob XD

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