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Serana is Frozen!


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Does anybody can help with it? Serana just stay inside a home in new continent of DLC Dragonborn and don't follow me anymore! I talk to "come with me", but she stay there, using fast travel, continue the same! It happens after I "force" a animation in her with that mod (that i forget the name, but use a spell to choose a animation in a choosen NPC). Can you help me?

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Have you got UFO installed? So you can tell her to that she's weak and needs training.

I've had followers get stuck doing nothing and it has always worked to use that dialogue, resets them somehow.

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if you have FNIS (Fores New Idles) installed, you need to run the GenerateFNISForUesers.exe. to get any NPCs to work.

The instructions are on his description page. And you need to run it every time you add or delete a FNIS mod.

Edited by DeltaAgent26
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