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Player Home Mods Causing CTDs no matter which Mod is used


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iv actually asked about this before but I still cant find an answer to my problem. I have 6 mods that alter the landscape of skyrim

Hall of Dovahndor

Hunters Cabin

Bathing Beauties

Reapers the Dark Tower

Expanded Winterhold Ruins

Companion Valfar (his campsite and the imperial one outside Ivarstead)

along side those I have lanterns of skyrim and the winterhold ruins patch but the lanterns mod has never given me any trouble.

Iv used Boss to correct the load order, but even when just one of these mods is activated I still get a CTD. from what I can tell there isn't any conflicts between these mods, at least I don't think there is. I should also mention that my graphics card is failing and im getting a new one tomorrow but this has been going on ever sense I bought skyrim 8 months ago with player home mods. any other mod doesn't give me an issue unless its a load order thing, but once that's fixed no problems. player homes though never seem to work. what could the problem be if not the load order and compatibility?


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If one of the mods that alter landscapes change the landscape where the player home is or vice versa then they will clash and the one at the bottom of the load order will win (that can cause problems). The only other thing I can think of is not installing them right. You can try installing A player home that is in an area not effected by the other mods and see if that helps. Haven might be a good one to test, it isn't around any major town.

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but see that's the confusing part, none of these homes are anywhere near each other.


dovahndor is near the throat of the world

hunters cabin is near riverwood

bathing beauties is across from the battle-born farm

reapers is on top of bleakfalls barrow

and then theres the expanded winterhold ruins, none of these mods are close together. theyre all very spread out so I really don't know what the problem is.

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I think i have the same problem. The following house mods are causing CTDs when i enter the area.


Breezehome FullyUpgradable

Lakeview Extended - Hearthfire

Bathing Beauties or Beefcake - Luxury Suite


I looked over my active mods, but i found no obvious conflict.

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