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[Faction Reaction Error] - Anyone ever experience issues with this?


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I've been using a new faction to ensure a certain group of bandits are passive to nearby life (creatures, patrols, etc.)

It's been working great but whenever I load the mod I get this error: "Faction Reaction Error"


I get exactly what's happening: the existing factions are not setup to reciprocate the ally/friend reaction. But for the sake of compatibility (and time) I do not wish to edit some 10-12 pre-existing Skyrim factions.


So my question is, has anyone else ever resorted to this, and have you ever had any issues ignoring this error?

I have an alternative, using dunPrisonerFaction, but again, I would have prefered to use a custom faction for compatibility's sake, however unlikely (or quite frankly useless) it would be for someone else to edit dunPrisonerFaction.

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If it is the CK saying there is an error then go ahead and ignore it. All it is saying is the original factions in the Skyrim.esm doesnt recognize the new one in the Skyrim.esm. In game since the faction is new the faction should function correctly. New factions are by default nuetral so even if the other faction doesnt recognize it then they will not agro the bandits and the bandits should recognize the faction they are in so ofcourse know they are nuetral, friends, or enemy to other factions. If set as enemy once they enter combat mode the game automaticaly sets the target to combat as well so even if set as enemy and not recognizing they will still react.

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Excellent, thanks jet4571! It was working as intended ingame, it's only the ckit error that threw me off. I've written a script so that in the proper situations, (if attacked by player/companion or if the proper dialogue is picked) the bandits are removed from the new "friendly" faction. At this point, their BanditFaction takes over again and they attack the proper targets. Works like a charm, and now I can rest easy with the error.

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