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Increase number of special arrows?


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You can edit the bags in generated, databases, craftingrecipe.lib -> Gear -> Arrow satchel.xml something called like that. Posted on my mobile phone so I can't check the exact name and paths. Idk about the hold breath though.


Oh you need to change the value iItemSize something called like that. (Capacity of bag example: 20,30 that is 20 normal arrows and 30 special arrows max).


I do hope you know how to convert the craftingrecipe.lib file.

Edited by Carpio
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  • 2 weeks later...

yeh but doing that won't work, as when you make the item you still get the defaulted ammo/itempouch/wallet amount, that value is just for the interface for before you make the items.


hold breath is a sniper only ablilty, i think it is only usable when your weapon has a full-time scope. (if you extract the weapons there is a value under the weapon properties called "bIsScopeAttached" and also "bCanHoldBreath". however just changing "bCanHoldBreath" to true won't work i already tried that)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Where is the file and line to edit the number of ammo for special arrows?


Edit: also how do you add "hold breath" to a weapon?

actually editing the special arrows dosn't seem possible as it is a default value (set at the biggining of the game and never changed) you can change other gear values if you trawl through a file in "worlds\fc3_main\generated\nomadobjecttemplates_converted\BonusService.xml".

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