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The Epicness that is SkyRE!


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So how about this, I'm playing Skyrim with my SkyRE mod and I come across a crossbow. "Oh crap! This is amazing." I think to my self as I speed through the Bleak Falls Barrow dungeon. Feeling high and mighty I storm into the final chamber, hot on the idea that this Crossbow is amazingly over powered and this will be a cake walk. *RAPED* ".....f***ing balancing..." I think as I decay in a bath of my own blood. All in all I was happy I died. I didn't want the crossbow to be super overpowered. The fact that you pretty much CAN'T MOVE AT ALL when reloading, really adds to it. I died... so quickly... it was ubelievable. My one handed sword did almost no damage at all, and f*#@ a shield. Run out of stamina mate? Well your pretty f'ed in the a then aren't you!? :) Lol, Love this mod though.

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Either you're a masochist or you're being sarcastic...


But yeah, SkyRe saved Skyrim for me as well. Honestly, I feel as though there is absolutely no depth behind any of the vanilla perks or combat mechanics. Really rushed design.


Read the SkyRe manual on the nexus as well, its on the hot files list as I type! Really genius work by T3ndo.

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