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CTD with merchants at the forsale dialogue Please Help!


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This just start happening recently, i talked to the iin owner in Winking Skeever asked what he had for sale, and says "take a look" then CTD. The same with Saadia in Bannered Mair, Whats on the menu, Saadia- It depends blah blah blah, CTD, I deleted all my saves and started a new game still does, unistall recent mods, still does it, not sure what it is. And i'm pretty sure it will happen with any of the merchants or iin keepers, cause Hulda in the Bannered mair wasn't CTD when I asked her what she had for sale, UNTIL, i deleted my saves and started a new game and then both Saadia and Hulda CTD. Please Help anybody, I would really appreciate it!

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