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Not really, your images only appear on the front page at the time you upload them and then you would have to upload 'five' or 'ten' images (depending on you account status) at once for an accusation of 'spamming' to be made and as anyone who follows my screens knows I tend to post one screen at a time and usually wait until it's been pushed one or two pages back (and off the front page) before uploading the next one so you only ever see one of my screen on the front page. Somebody needs to looks up the definition of 'spamming'.



Lol whut is this. I've seen a few of your images get spammed off the front page by XTremeNutBuster84's 10 Epic Shots of Medium Quality Vanilla Grass, but never seen you spam the front page. And I've rarely seen FalmerBane do more than one shot a day.


ITT: Confusion.

Edited by RourkeSwift
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