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scrap anywhere toolkit (and workaround)



  1. 1. what will you do?

    • I will wait for the mod to be created
    • I don't like it
    • I will try the workaround

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EDIT: if you are reading this again, look for the EDIT words, I may have updated something.


So, I would like to be able to create a dismantler/disassembler toolkit using:

pliers, screwdriver, hamer etc.


It should have appropriate weight.

When using it, it should spend some time to complete the disassembling.



WORKAROUND, Intall these mods:

Better Manufacturing to dismantle many things even mods

Fallout 76 C.A.M.P. placeable - moveable - workbench - settle anywhere - player home to create a custom interior workshop

Shadow the Dark Husky Companion if you are playing FROST mod (to help on teleporting). Set her to WAIT mode.

FO4 Hotkeys EDIT: forgot to add this one, helps a lot on make it quicker to go to dismantlers cell and back again to where you was on the world.


This workshop shall be ONLY to disassemble things, as a workaround to not having the toolkit on the run. So preparing it should be a free thing, no costs.


Do these things:

(this may take some time, and you will need patience)

- Find an interior small and fast cell to create your custom workshop, I suggest: player.coc EsplanadeMansion01

- open the workshop mode and see the names of the machines you need, something like: armor disassembler, weapon disassembler, mod recycler, recycler (extract components from junk). It is 4 machines only. EDIT: Try: help disass 4 cont, and help recycl 4 cont, on console. ammo recycler may be usefull also for missiles and nukes, but requires 25 to disassemble... so store it there in some container until you find that much, but... I tested scrapping 25 missiles and it only gave 2 fertilizers... so it is just not worth it. Go back and drop the missile somewhere you think you may remember ;P

- search them in console with: help recycl 4 cont (cont is not needed, may be a container or something else)

- crouch, look to the horizon as much you can (not upwards neither downwards), and run this: player.placeatme xx0123456 (the correct value of course for each machine)

- with the console opened, click on each machine and reposition them with: modpos x 10 (can be y and z, can displace by 20 etc, can be negative -10 -20 too). EDIT: And after connecting them, place them again, while crouched as explained above, to look as good as possible.

- spawn also a fusion generator and check if it is charging the workshop, if not, reload and do it again.

- you will need to "modpos z -20" until the tip of the connector is visible and can be connected to the generator, then move it up again "modpos z 20" as many times you need (hit up arrow to repeat the command)

- EDIT: it may be usefull to put all crafting workbenches there also, but (role-playing) DO NOT CRAFT, just use them to tag components to look for.

I suggest create these bat files:


- batMVDogMeat with (set the follower, thru talk, to WAIT mode, so that the teleport back will work correctly)

;1d162.moveto player ;ucomment if NOT playing FROST
xx000fa5.moveto player ;SET xx to correct value! see below
- batTeleportToDismantlers with this content

player.coc EsplanadeMansion01

- run it thru Hotkeys.ini with a config like this (may be, use a key farer away from F to not miss type and bring the follower to the dismantlers inner cell):

Shift-Ctrl-D=bat batMVDogmeat;bat batTeleportToDismantlers

- batTeleportToFollower with:

;1d162.moveto player ;ucomment if NOT playing FROST
;rusky (if you are playing FROST)
player.moveto xx000fa5 ;put the correct xx value, it is a hexa number, the f4se.log has it in decimal, you will need to convert it

- run it thru Hotkeys.ini with a config like this:

Shift-Ctrl-F=bat batTeleportToFollower
Now, whenever you are over encumbered AND OUT OF COMBAT!

1) shift+ctrl+d to go to your dissassemblers workshop

2) scrap everything you want

3) role-playing: get ALL components, do not leave things on the workshop to not unbalance the scarcity of components

4) shift+ctrl+d to go to back to your follower (can be any other follower tho than the dogs)

5) drop everything you do not want/need right now


Drop a comment if something fails, or is unclear, or if you think I missed explaining something.


Have fun!

Edited by ghussak
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