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Keeping UNP body type fresh with new armor updates


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Asianboy took Mak's work and put it on a UNP body.
I love the UNP body type and feel that aside from Brokefoot's work, there is not much else high quality sexy type clothing.

Here is Asianboy's work
Unfortunately he is done and has moved on to other things.

Here is ChronoTrigger77's work. He has taken Mak's static armour and added CBBE Bodyslide and BBP option. Plus added a few more, in addition he has more ideas on the books.

I tried modding and followed the first few videos Nightasy put up. I got lost. I am not as computer savvy as I once one when I knew basic on my Commodore 64.

I'm just hoping someone will take Asianboy's work and update it to current DLC's and possibly give it a BBP motion. I so much prefer the UNP body type. The Temptress' are still my favourite race. Kudos to ChronoTriigger for elevating Mak's work to the next tier. I just wish someone would do the same for UNP.


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