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Npc´s use Weapon type ammo


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Hey everyone,


i changed the ammo type from the Hunting rifle to the 5,56mm but now i have a problem the npc´s dont use there weapons because the dont have the right ammunition. How can i fix it?


thx for anyhelp :smile:

Edited by ryan1294
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ryan1294 - Hello!


Your problem is that NPC's etc. are being equipped with what was appropriate ammo for their hunting rifles by a Leveled Item.


Now that you've changed the ammo that a hunting rifle uses, you need to change the ammo that the people using it spawn with.


For example, NPC's use a Leveled Item called:




That controls the ammo that NPC's with Hunting rifles get, change the ammo in there from .32 to your version of 5.56 to match.


Remember that there are seperate Leveled Item's for different groups like Raiders:




They will also need to be altered.


You can build those changed Leveled Items into your mod that's changing the hunting rifle ammo.


Hope this helps!



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