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locked character


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I accidentally shot myself with an explosive arrow (from SkyRe) - I shot at a wild wolf, not realizing that I have explosive arrows equipped instead of usual ones, and it blasted me to the ground.


That would not be so bad, but when my character got up, camera did NOT switch back to character (aka was left locked in the ground), I still could move around and jump, open doors etc, but not attack (mouse buttons not working), and nothing I've tried got me control of my character back.


I've tried scrolling (ofc), tfc to unlock & lock back camera, activating werewolf form to try to force it to 3rd person view, entering building, but to no avail.


To my shock, even after restarting game and loading earlier save I found myself unable to do anything by mouse buttons, though activating werewolf form this time switched me into 3rd person view.



Any advice how to fix this without reinstalling the game?


I'm using about 100 mods, of which only SkyRe and Werewolf Upgrade (by undomir) actually conflict (Werewolf Upgrate overwrites werewolf scripts), but as I was shooting explosive arrows, I was clearly NOT in werewolf form, so I guess this is not the cause of this bug.


Skyrim version 1.9.29 and SKSE 1.6.11



EDIT: my last option worked - turning on Skyrim with launcher instead of skse_launcher, saving the game (as I was able to move and attack) and then turning on the game with skse again. Although I have no clue what's causing this bug, so I can get it by quite any "killcam" move or knockdown animation.. (and there's PLENTY of those in SkyRe)

Edited by peregrine111
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