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Turning .esp into .bsa?


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My little project to make a retextured version of the Nightingale armor has run into a problem. Fallout Mod Manager, which the Creation Kit wiki says can be used to open up certain files needed for retexturing, refuses to cooperate with Skyrim, so I've opted to try and use BSAopt. However, that only seems to work with .bsa files, and my custom armor is in an .esp plugin. In short, I'm stuck and have no idea what to do. Is there any way I can convert that file to a .bsa?

Edited by FennecFyre
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If you retexture something its all about placing the new texture where the old one has been originally. In your case you will have 1 of the possible 2 situations: your original mod consists of a .esp file and 'loose' files in the data\textures subdirectories or your mod is 1 .esp file and a .bsa file with the same name. In both cases placing your new texture in the correct place in the ...\data\texture\... subdirectory belonging to that mod will overwrite any information in a bsa file - meaning your new texture shoiuld show and not the orginal one

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