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Issue with AI, hope there's a solution


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Hey folks, I've been having a pretty annoying problem with a few npcs.


Scenario: You have dialogue with the leader of a group of 4 npcs. When you select a certain dialogue option, he and his group will leave. The leader begins a Travel package, while the 3 others begin a follow package pointed to said leader (Alias ref).

The issue is that more often than not, some of the npcs will just become stuck, stand in place for a long time while the leader moves way. Then after a while, usually minutes, they finally activate and run to catch up to their leader.


I've heard the game's always had issues with active AI, but this is becoming a real nuisance. It ruins the scene to see two npcs suddenly stand about after their boss says, "Let's go!". It's usually not the same npc.

I've tried calling a resetAI on all, an EvaluatePackage, none of this helped with NPC's getting stuck for a while.


It really can't stay like this.

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Well I've altered the way I tackle the whole thing. Now I use a quest scene to have the npcs gather in the forest after the leader announces they're leaving. This essentially takes them out of the scene. They still seem to get stuck when the travel/follow packages kick in, but at least they already left.

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