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UI upscaling


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Hi Would it be possible for some way to upscale the UI? I'm running at 1080P but due to declining vision which MAY get better, I can no longer see well enough to do inventory management and using the crafting or barter menus comfortably. I've been using Def_UI which works pretty well with HUD but only the quest objectives in the pipboy gets bigger when increasing pipboy text size. I've popped a message into the troubleshooting forums and even on steam with no responses. Is this already possible to do? Just a tad desperate and not entirely sure where I should post. Thanks for ANY info.

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The easiest suggestion I can give is to try out the Pip-Pad mod.

When installing, it gives you a few distance options.

Basically you can set it to hold the pip-pad reeeeally close to your face.


You can also alter your hud using this - https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10654?tab=files

Basically you just edit the right text file to increase the size of text, I think.


[edit] - Ah yes, you can just open the DEF_HUD.xml file and increase the scale of whatever you like there. You can just use Notepad to edit the numbers.

For instance, this section -



I think if you want the tutorial text to be bigger, you just change the <scaleX>0.9</scaleX> and the <scaleY>0.9</scaleY> to a bigger number. Like 1.8 instead of 0.9 to double the size of the text.

Edited by LucidLady
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Thanks for the information!!! I've tried Pip-pad and set it to hold the pip pad up to my face as close as it would allow. The text still appears smaller though, but on the other hand, the hud portion of def ui is working out pretty well. Found out I MIGHT be able to rig together a system where I can press the home button on the controller to switch control to the windows magnifier. If I can do that and still retain some control over the game, it's likely I could achieve a similar style magnifier you get with XBOX ONE. Might just take a bit of messing around with binding keyboard shortcuts to a controller through steam or another application such as Pinnacle, Xpader, or Joy2Key.

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