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Stardew Valley

Creating Portraits


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So I've been dabbling with the idea of creating a few of my own character portraits for SDV. I wasn't exactly sure where to start? I understand how .xmb files work and how you can swap them out (How I USED to mod portraits) and exploring information on how to get something working with the content patcher.


I've never created anything like this though, I was mostly curious as to how to actually create character sheets? Are there standard sizes I need to use, layouts, high res vs normal, stuff like that. Is it best to create something from scratch or edit an older sheet?


Hoping some of you dabble with this and have some input. Thanks for any help/advice!

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Content patcher is very easy to work with and far more compatible than Xnb replacements.

Replacing a character's portrait is easy, simply make a folder called [CP]<YourModName>

within it you can place an assets folder to keep it organised then place your images in the assets folder.

outside that make a txt file and rename it to content.json and paste the following code:

    "Format": "1.11",
    "Changes": [

        "Action": "Load",
        "Target": "Portrait/<NPC Name>",
        "FromFile": "assets/<filename>.png",

Then save that and create another Text file named manifest.json and paste this:


  "Name": "<Mod Name>",
  "Author": "<Your Name Here>",
  "Description": "<Describe>",
  "Version": "1.0.0",
  "UniqueID": "yourmod.yourname",
  "ContentPackFor": {
    "UniqueID": "Pathoschild.ContentPatcher"
  "UpdateKeys": [
    "Nexus: "

poof you're done :3

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