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Skyrim low FPS on my MSI GE60 0ND


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Well, I've dumbly disabled my integrated graphics, and obviously had a pretty black screen. Now this problem is solved and the integrated graphic driver is updated again, but same problem than before : my games use the GTX, but Skyrim does not.



In the Nvidia Panel, Skyrim ( TESV and SKyrimLauncher ) is set to use High Perf Nvidia Proc ), but if I try to right click TESV.exe, execute with High-perf Nvidia stuff ( by default ) it tells me that I don't have the permission for that. Same for SkyrimLauncher. I don't know if it means anything. :(

Edited by AltLamasticot
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Weeeeell.. I've re-installed the game and now everything just run smooth on Ultra, and my GPU is used at 99%. The graphic adapter is now " ENB ".


Thank you so much for you help, thought. May the force/god/whatever you beleve in/ be with you. Always. :biggrin:

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short answer is, "not really" bloodshed. past what closing the resource using other programs or services allows.


Games usually use all they are given up to the point where they have more than they know what to do with. In some cases though, some things sometimes cause games to not use everything fully. main reasons for CPU side is that game is old-ish and couldn't run on multiple cores at once limiting it to pretty much single core.


other than that, it might be some weird error/problem in game and/or drivers for the GPU to not be used fully. Those can sometimes be hard to track down.


best bet to check if your game uses enough of both is to get something that draws usage graph for GPU and CPU so that you know for sure that it's not using all of it.


one of the simpler ways to do that is to use process explorer (alternate task manager) which has better graphs for a LOT of things than windows default.

including CPU and GPU usage for each process. (not always correct and wont work for all games but... it's one of the more simple ways.


so.. run skyrim, run process explorer, check properties for tesv.exe and look at both performance and GPU graph tabs to get the graphs running.

alt tab back to game... play some and alt tab back out so see the usage.


if either GPU or CPU is maxed out... thats the limiting factor, you cannot get more than 100% out of either one.

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sounds like a possible ini problem somewhere but since i don't use ENB myself, i'm not sure where. most probably something to do with ENB though. abandoning ENB should allow you to play normally without problems though.



Also, if you have managed to narrow it down to ENB itself, making a new post with more descriptive title might be decent idea. after all original 4 pages of this thread don't have much in relation to the real problem and those who know more about ENB might not look on 5th page of every problem posted here.

Edited by psavola
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