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SKSE Fixes Help


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I need some help with the SKSE fixes mod. I have SKSE installed and working fine. I have installed part 1 of the fixes and enabled it in my mod menu. I installed part 2 but made sure to put it into my skyrim directory. I also installed the address library to my mod organizer, and the microsoft c++ thing (and restarted my PC), which were said to be required for SKSE fixes. However, when I enable them all, and launch, the error:

REL/Relocation.h(449): failed to obtain the module handle

shows up. I use Vortex, and if there's any extra info I need to post, let me know. If anyone could help that would be great. Also I'm new to this, so if it's something a bit more complicated I have to do, a thorough explanation would be appreciated. Thanks!

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