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HD Daedric Crescent


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Hi everyone! I know there's already one by RonnieMagnum via criswolf in hothtrooper's great Immersive Weapons, but it's not HD! And there's no sheath on it, and it's placement is a bit too forward maybe. I love that it's 1 handed though, and acts like a sword.


Is there anyone out there who wants to polish up the blade and make a sheath for it? You'd be my very very best friend, since it's my new favorite toy!





Oh, and keep it 1H! :D

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Allow me to make this request a bit more accessible for anyone willing to give it a go... As i'm the original author of the meshes and textures used, i'll upload the source files to the person fulfilling this request. =)

And by source files i mean the original Xcf. (Native Gimp file format) Though other formats shouldn't be much of an issue.



I just remember another Crescent mod. One that is, imho, much better than the one i did;


Edited by Urwy
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