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Crashing on mouse-over of a shield


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Hey folks,


I've run into an irritating problem.


I created a shield in the CK (by duplicating then renaming a pre-existing entry from another mod, into my own mod), and gave it an enchantment. I load up a game with it, equip it, and absolutely no issue, game runs fine with it, the enchantment works, and no crashing. One problem, after going through ReProccer, it doesn't have an armour value - easy fix though, as I forgot to select what it was (light/heavy/none) in that dropdown menu, despite remembering the tags. Run it through again, ReProccer assigns an armour value. Prior to this, I also adjusted the tags - swapped ArmorMaterialElvenGilded for ArmorMaterialDragonscale, and added the unenchantable tag (as it already has one - forgot to add it the first time, oversight on my part). When I load up the game, I use player.showinventory followed by player.removeitem # to remove the previous shield, then hop over to the nearest forge to check that the crafting recipe for it was present (forgot to add that the first time it seems). This is where I now hit a problem. When I open the Dragon tab (where the recipe should be located), I get an immediate CTD.


What is puzzling me is twofold: 1. Why the CTD now? 2. Why is it CTD'ing and not my other two custom items (a longbow and accompanying arrow)?


If anyone has any insight, it would be most welcome.






*Update 1: Still crashing. However, one odd thing I noticed was that if I had the CK open, with the mod in question loaded, the game wasn't crashing. *scratches head*


*Update 2: Trying to temper it caused a crash, so I removed the tempering reciping. Crafted it fine. Then a while later when I go to equip it, the game crashes. I honestly have no idea what is going on.*

Edited by CCA
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