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YES! I really hope a Catmeat mod will soon become available - perhaps with Catmeat being a mite larger, as I'm sure an average housecat would struggle to survive if roaches were to become as large as it. Either they'd be larger or wil have created some form of adaptive mutation, such as lethally poisoned claws (Do poison damage) or a high chance of a critical strike ('cause they're so agile and smart :smile: ).


I have been looking for a Catmeat mod since I started playing. In terms of simply adding cats as creatures in the game, I strongly suggest they be added to the "Animal Friend" perk faction, such that those of us who particularly like our feline compatriots will not be forced to kill them should they choose this perk.


I must admit the "equipped weapon" catmeat might be a bit of an immersion-breaker though...


Hmm, I just realised, I recently met somebody who might be able to make this mod a reality. I'll get back to this topic with a yea or nay and keep you posted should they decide they wish to help.

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Perhaps. In fact, a variety of different species would be excellent, each with a different mutation.


PS: The modder about which I was talking in my last post is on holiday at the moment and so I cannot contact him. I will only be able to once he returns so an answer as to the possibility of this mod will have to be put off for a week or two. Sorry.



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  • 1 month later...
Hello all. Sorry this took so long, but I've been unable to connect for the last month or so. As for the cat mod, I have spoken to my friend and he says that he will consider it. He is, unfortunately, very, very busy. Judging by his workload I don't imagine he'll be able to take the project on for at least a couple of months, but when or if he does take it on the results will be spectacular.
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  • 1 month later...

I am pleased to announce that work on a "Catmeat" beta should commence in about a month. The initial ideas (for the beta) are as follows:


Catmeat follower: a simple model replacement for dogmeat, along with some behavioural tweaks and adjusted sounds and interactions.


Wildcat: Found all over the wasteland. Big tiger-esque cat (largest of all types), possessing moderate speed and an armoured hide. Moderate attack with high chance of critical strike. Very Slow healing.


Poisonclaw: Found in areas with high levels of radiation and those "toxic barrels". Smallest cat with oddly coloured fur - capable of inflicting heavy damage via poisonous claws and critical strike. Very fast yet with a low DR and health. Very fast healing in irradiated areas and slight health increase upon critical strike.


Radcat: "ghoul - like" cat, about the size of a domestic. Slightly different from the domestic cat; found near non-feral ghouls, Heals incredibly quickly in irradiated areas.


Domestic cat: Found in settlements. About the size of a dog, mangy looking "alleycat". Weak attack with a high chance of critical strike and a high chance to "dodge" attacks, heals fairly quickly.


All cats will by default be either non-aggressive or will attack only weaker opponents. Difficult to kill as they will flee if too wounded - fitting considering the intelligence of a cat.


This mod will be designed as an addon for MMM, with additional support for FWE. "Younger" cats and groups fitting into the MMM design will also be implemented. At a later date I hope to release a mod giving more realistic animal animations. Hopefully by completion cats and other animals will sleep, eat and otherwise behave in a normal manner. All cats will be properly balanced, with a cat being comparable to a weak yao guai in terms of ease of kill. The Animal Friend perk will make cats friendly, but they will still run away if too wounded.


Please put forth any ideas or criticisms you might have.

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Because someone above suggested converting the cats from the Oblivion mod Cats and Rats for use in FO3, it should be noted that those cats are almost certainly based on the vanilla Oblivion Mountain Lions, so using any of those assets that were not created from scratch would be considered porting content from another game, which is not allowed here.


In other words, you probably would have to create new cat creatures from scratch - models, animations and all - unless you were gonna try to work from the dogs in FO3.

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That's what I was going to say.

If you can find somebody willing to allow me to alter a creature companion--like skitters or brumas or something--I can make this for you. Or at least try.


If you're seriously offering to help I won't stop you, especially if you're willing to do modelling and animation (I am pitifully inexperienced in this regard).


I've checked and the creator of "skitters" allows free use, so a companion based on such a thing would not be too hard (hopefully). Plans for the creation of a cat "species" are more complex, however, and at the least require the addition of several sounds and the adaptation of a few MMM scripts and stats, nevermind modelling and animation.


I am relatively new to modding but I feel that this project is possible, especially with my friend the general modder/programmer (let's call him Mr. B). My biggest issue will lie in creating models and textures for the new creatures, and perhaps in some of the more complex behavioural scripts.


If anybody is willing to help, please say so, full credit will be given and criticism is welcome; but bear in mind that ultimately, the creative process is up to myself and "Mr. B".


Mod creation will commence between the 25th of this month and the 2nd of October. I'll keep you posted.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello again. I'm pleased to announce that work on the cat mod has begun. I live in South Africa, however, and my internet connection isn't exactly blisteringly fast, so don't expect constant updates. I'll just leave it as "under development" for now. We've started on design and storyline, and aim to integrate the mod seamlessly into the Fallout world: fully explained and fully functional. :)


We'll be including things like holotapes and landscape details to flesh out the backstory, as well as new NPCs, a quest and even a new location to explain the presence of these cats. This will not just be a mod which adds a new creature, but one that makes it seem as if they were there all along...


Have a great day folks, I'll update the progress within a week or two, and I'll probably be moving this to a more appropriate thread. Watch this space.

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