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I have messed something up and have no Idea how to Fix it. (Please Help)

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I am working on a whiterun overhaul right (Interior) I decide to step outside of whiten (in game) and found a lot of textures are messed up. I dont know how to fix it or what I did. Does anyone know how to resolve this problem.


Dark Blurry LOD ground Textures



Edited by Julianromano94
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Considering it's interior world edits, but is parented by Tamriel worldspace, might have to rebuild LODs. Other than that, I'm not sure. Since I don't do much work with interior world edits. What exactly are you editing in the world space? Is it confined within the walls of the Whiterun world space, are you in the exterior (which is actually the Tamriel world space)? Also, I'm sure you've heard this before, but always test on a clean save/new game. Alternate start helps a lot with that, since you can just pop at the Whiterun Inn.

That aside, the thumbnail makes it a little difficult to see the full scope of the problem. Consider uploading a picture to an external site, Google drive, something like that.

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