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Shouts level skills


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Ok I've been struggling with this for a while now, so Im now seeking advice.

As the title said I want my shouts to level the Appropriate school which I feel fits each shout. Ethreal = alteration Fire breath = destruction and so on.

This is mainly because of the particular style of the way I play, I dont use spells as I mostly play as a warrior and I dont wish to change my playstyle in order to reach higher levels. Im currently lvl 60 and its slowing down.

I have gone into the creation kit under magic and changed the spell type to want I think fits and then I go under magic effect and select the voice power I'm changing and select the same spell school as well as changing the skill usage mult.


what else do I need to do? Im sure im missing somthing simple, or several things. All info is appreciated.



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Only Spells can level your skills; shouts, greater powers, lesser powers can not, no matter how you change its magic effect. However, there is a way to make them yield experience: using script. A simple script using "Advskill" function should do it just fine, you can look for an example in the Transmute Mineral Ore magic effect of the Transmute spell.

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I don't quite get what you say but do you mean that you use the built-in transmute script? If so, then it may not work, I suggested it as an example only. You need to create a new script for that purpose. Here's a piece of script that give 10000 destruction experience when use, more than enough to test in-game:



Scriptname TestExperienceShoutScript extends ActiveMagicEffect
import game
float property amount = 10000 auto
Event OnEffectStart(Actor target, Actor caster)
After adding the script to magic effect, you can edit the amount of experience that that magic effect provides when used successfully by double click the script, choose "Amount" from the list of Property Name, click Edit value and type any number you want. This will overwrite the initial value 10000. Tell me if you have any problem.
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I copied your script from your post, but I'm not seeing any properties associated with it. Do I need to add a float to it?

This is what came out after I pasted the script.



Scriptname ShoutLvlDest extends activemagiceffect

{Scriptname TestExperienceShoutScript extends ActiveMagicEffect


import game

float property amount = 10000 auto


Event OnEffectStart(Actor target, Actor caster)




This right? I really appreciate the help.

Edited by Poolar
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When you copy the script, you only need the part: "import game ... EndEvent". The "Scriptname TestExperienceShoutScript... " part is used to define my own script, thus should be omitted. Your result script should look like:

Scriptname ShoutLvlDest extends activemagiceffect

import game
float property amount = 10000 auto

Event OnEffectStart(Actor target, Actor caster)

Do not include {}, anything inside {} will be count as additional information and will not have any effect on the script.

Edited by blacksupernova
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When I add the script to the magic effect it automatically adds the {} to each end. If I remove them it refuses to allow me to save the script. Not sure whats happening but it looks exacly like yours.

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Here is what happends when it tries to save.


Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files...
Compiling "ShoutlvlDestTest"...
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\ShoutlvlDestTest.psc(4,15): cannot initialize a float to 10000
No output generated for ShoutlvlDestTest, compilation failed.

Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed.
Failed on ShoutlvlDestTest

Edited by Poolar
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