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SkyRe and Legendary Difficulty


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Alright I have the Skyrim Update 1.9 and I've set the difficulty to legendary, however, I am unable to set any of my capped out skillsets to legendary or get my perks, when I try, nothing happens.

Now I'm pretty sure this has something to do with SkyRe, because it's the only mod I have which changes/affects perks. I have the latest version of it, but I still can't fix the problem.


Anyway is anyone else having this problem, and if so, do you know what causes it and how to fix it?

Please let me know, thanks in advance.


Update: Okay I disabled SkyRe and I can now reset my perks, but I don't want to have to play the whole game without it, it's very relevant to my game experience, so does anyone know how to fix this?

Edited by Sahiya
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