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A Quick Noob-style query...


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I've been play-testing various mods for compatibility, like-ability (whether I want it for my own use), etc. and was wondering HOW to export a character preset (Hadvar looks at you in earnest and says, "Who... are you?"; you show him (Character Creation-stage), and the game moves on) for my later use.

To run a clean start (new game) with a look that I have designed across my variously used mods and come to like (race, weight, hair-style / color, scars, tattoos / war-paints, et cetera)... HOW do I save that preset and load it for a new toon. I use the default UI (TBR: 'no UI mods in play'), mind you. I'm not familiar with anything else (enough so to trust scrapping the game to something incompatible or buggy.


Please no flames, or rants, this is an honest plea for assistance.

Thanks in advance. :)

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  • Load the saved game containing the character with the face you want to export.
  • While in 3rd persion view open the console and click on the character who's face you want to export.
  • type spf followed by the filename you want to save to and hit enter.

    (e.g. spf luvthisface)

  • Exit the game and open CK
  • From the top menu -> Open "File" -> Open "Data".
  • Check Skyrim.esm and click OK
  • In the object window: Actors -> Actor -> Preset -> and open the race you want to create your preset for.
  • Select any gender preset associated with your character's race and gender.
  • Change the ID to something new.

    ( e.g. "ImperialFemalePreset10" to "ImperialFemalePreset11" )

  • In the actor window, select the "Character Gen Parts" tab

    ( It's the last tab. Use the arrow button next to the tabs to scroll extra tabs into view )

  • Click the "Import" button.
  • Browse to the file you created in #1 and click "Open".

    ( Hair will be Vanilla hair but that's okay. It will allow you to change hair mods later and still use your presets. )

  • Click the "OK" button in the lower left of the Actor Window. You will be asked if you want to "create a new form". Select YES.
  • You will then be asked "Are you sure? This object is currently in use by 0 objects and 0 references." Select YES
  • In the object window: Characters -> Races and open the race you just created a preset for.
  • In the Race window, select the "Preset NPCs" tab

    ( It's the last tab. Use the arrow button next to the tabs to scroll extra tabs into view )

  • In the "Preset NPCS" list right click and select "New"
  • In the Select Form filter box, start typing the name you gave your preset in #9. You don't have to type it out fully, just enough so you can see it in the list.
  • Select your new preset and click OK
  • Click the "OK" button in the lower left of the Race Window.
  • From the top menu -> Open "File" -> Open "Save". Name your esp file and save.

    ( e.g. "mypresets.esp" )

  • Then activate your esp using whatever method you use to manage your mods.


You will have a new preset on the race you modded.

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