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(Idea?) Skyrim Marriage


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I don't know about any of you, But I love getting married in Skyrim.

I feel as though all of my options for a wife or husband (some better then others) are not very wide, and my marriage seems empty.

You get married, live together, they open up a "shop", and you adopt kid(s).

The only real plus side to getting married in Skyrim is the little bit of extra income (and snusnu with a few mods :blink: )

If I had the skills I would make marriage more worth while.

Custom NPC's:
-Possibly voice acted.

-Need to be at certain points in the game to get with them, or certain quests make you meet up with a custom NPC that you can marry.

-Custom dialogue.

-Extra marriage quests (Maybe getting a in-game rank system with your spouse and having more options available once certain quests are finished.)

-Some NPC's have their own house.

-Have a REAL shop in whatever main city you decide to reside in. (you choose what you get to sell, able to make an investment to make it better or more popular, can get robbed.)

-Have a certain personality for every custom NPC.

Marriage itself:
-Able to cheat. (Have a chance of getting caught, your spouse can get suspicious, etc.)

-Spouse can get sick and die. (Have new sicknesses and quests to find cures.)

-Can catch spouse cheating. (Pay a guard or a close "friend" to keep an eye on her and report back with any news.)

-A divorce system other than death.

-Spouse can not want kids. (Bad past, thinks their annoying, etc.)

Among many other ideas.

Like I said, I don't know the first thing about modding. If I had the power and the smarts I would make it happen. :down:

Hope this inspires somebody.

I don't know of any mods (besides Interesting NPC's) That add a spouse with a custom story or dialogue, if I am missing any. Let me know.

Please and thank you for your time!

Stay sexy,

Davita. :biggrin:

P.S If you have any feedback or other ideas. Or know somebody who would take such a mod into consideration of producing... I am all ears (or eyes in this case I suppose.)

Edited by Davitaminicus
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  • 4 months later...

so far you just go to get married and they are all like ok done now go home bye bye then xD like nothign happened it would be better if there was more excitment from your wife a kiss or something to make it feel more reall its a game i know but its skyrim realism in skyrim is so f*#@ing amazing

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