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Compatible Mod Lists


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Hey gang - I've been a devout user of the modifications and services associated with these forums since Oblivion came out.

The first thing I'd like to say is to all you modders and scripters out there who make these things...you guys make video games awesome again.

Thank you.


Now that I've picked up Fallout 3 on PC, I'm digging into as many mods as possible. Only downside is that, of course, there are mods that overlap or refuse to work properly with other mods.

The hardest part of this process is finding out which mod conflicts with the other, and so on.


So, if any of you have managed to come across a mod set/list that not only works well, but refrains from crashing the game (in excess), let me know.

I'm sure other users would like to know of a reliable mod list as well...with all the options for this baby out there already, it's easy to greedy and kill your game.


I'll be sure to post my own mod list once I get one figured out that won't kill the game.


Thanks in advance, and keep the rads a rolling!

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all mods make F3 crash, all the time. over and over :P


and on that note:


All mods Produced with the "D6" tag (ie, my boss mods and weapon packs etc) are compatible with UPP (universal Perk Packs) and most other weapon mods i've seen around. should also be compatible with the Jaysus CoM mod packs



remember kids, get you're official D6 weapon packs only avalible @ Fallout3Nexus.com!

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