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BSA Browser/Unpacker


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Sigh. I need help. I have BSA Commander and BSA Unpacker. Latest version of Java Runtime was downloaded Thursday night (3/28/13). They work just fine with TES: Oblivion, FO3, and SkyRim.


FONV just doesn't want to play nice and I need to get into a .bsa file to edit some textures.


I can open the archive in a good text editor, but I really have neither the time, nor the patience to edit textures using text strings.

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Sigh. Sometimes, you have to step backwards to move forwards. There is a version registration issue with most of Bethesda's FONV files (including .bsa files). BSA Unpacker from early in 2006 (yeah, six years ago) will overlook the version registration issues to unpack and extract .bsa files.


I also found a neat .dds thumbnail viewer (freeware), but can't find the sticky note on which I wrote the link. I will post the link when I find it.

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