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Bigotry and Assumptions in New Vegas


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I've made a couple requests before for help with getting NVSE to work without steam and have been bombarded with cascading torrents of buzz-word-laden insults such as "Go buy a legal copy, pirate!" and other such "you're not even human" type responses.

I'm not going to fire any insults back, but that's a very closed minded response and is bordering on zealotry. I've bought new vegas TWICE, I own the pc version, I own the 360 version. I have spent more than $110 on DLC (I have all of it for pc and most of the 360 dlc.) I have spent over half of a paycheck of my HARD earned money on this game, and because of a silly third-party program that is laden with bugs and can't seem to get fixed before the next bug-laden version comes out, I can not enjoy all of the awesome hard work of the community and am limited to non NVSE mods.

You see, as hard as it is for you to believe, I can not get Steam to work on my pc. At least, not without it crashing every 15-20 minutes and bringing whatever game I happened to get to work with it down as well.

In this light, I now have two copies of New Vegas on my computer. One inert, useless copy under steamapps, and another "pirated" copy under program files.

Let me remind you, that it is absolutely not illegal for me to have downloaded this game from my peers when I have already paid for the license to install and play this game.

So with all of that in mind, somebody, anybody. Have any ideas for making the NVSE and 4gb mods work without Steam? I remember playing mods such as PN and RobCo. a year or two ago without steam, and on a new hard drive, trying to install it, I find it no longer works without it.

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No - as we provide no support for pirated material on this site, and anyone doing so would be banned alongside the one that would ask for help. Such as yourself.

Consider yourself unwelcome here - if you really have a problem with Steam not working - take it up with the people themselves on the steam forums.

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