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Hearthfire Homes Improvement Ideas....


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After finishing all three of the homes for the first time when I played Hearthfire, I was both delighted and disappointed. I didn't have to wait long for modders to make their own improvements. The mods I've already added on are ones such as;

Lakeview Extended

Really great additional structures and landscaping for the Lakeview Estate. Hoping to see more with other homes.

More Plants and Recipes

Adds plants you can't normally plant, as well as some new ones (some from Morrowind).

Hearthfire Homes Don't Respawn

I worked hard on decorating my homes and I was sick of stuff respawning! This fixed it.

Hearthfire Expanded: Vaults and Garden

My favorite addition is the Lost Garden of the Pale. The vaults may seem a bit 'cheaty' for some folks.

Shezries Hearthfire Kitchens

Changes the rear sitting/storage room (behind the main fireplace) into a lovely and unique kitchen. Nice so that I can build more options.


Hearthfire Alternative Library

Another mod that lets you build what you want.

I have a lot of ideas for additional changes to these homes, but don't have the modding ability. I'll probably add more to this topic when it comes to me.

Since Lakeview was already done (though I still have more ideas, which I shared with the Lakeview Extended author), I'll stick to the other two.

Heljarchen: I would LOVE to see this as a sprawling farm. I realize there are restrictions to how far it can go due to the proximity of the giant camps. It would be a great place to have crops, livestock, a pasture for horses and other such options. Perhaps a small bakery attached to a grain mill? Creamery, chicken coops, horse stables.

Windstad: I could see Windstad being a great place for a hunting lodge. Extending the fisheries, adding a small 'port' for trading and travel, a blacksmith and tannery. Perhaps also breeding dog companions.

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